Monday, June 29, 2015

Sports Performance and Recovery Therapy

Wellness Without Limits @ Replenish is helping out with Member Appreciation Day at LA Fitness by providing FREE 5 minute chair massages from 4pm-8pm TOMORROW, June 30! Even if you aren't a member of LA Fitness, we can get you a free pass for the day to work out, then come get Sports Performance and Recovery Light Therapy at Replenish! You must make a reservation by calling 360-947-2111 or stopping by Replenish to select a spot.
Check out the event on facebook!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Wellness Wednesday!

It's Wellness Wednesday! What does ideal wellness look like to you? Let us know in the comments! We would love to hear your ideas!

Monday, June 22, 2015

New Massage Therapist


We are proud to support a new addition to our team: Chronic Pain/TMJD specialist Michael Berner, LMP/NMT.

Michael is a very talented and experienced Nuero-Muscular Therapist with 23 years of experience working with people with chronic and recurring pain. His focus has been working with people that are not getting better going the regular routes of pain pills, anti-inflammatory medications, physiotherapy, and chiropractic therapy. He has found that myofacial tissue manipulation and myoskeletal alignment body work; coupled with dynamic, functional movement; will get most people out of the cycle of pain and dysfunction. Michael specializes in temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJD), low back pain, and neck problems. 

Michael‘s technique is truly next level therapy. He believes in fixing you: the person, not the patient, for life; not just treating your symptoms. Michael has worked on people just like you and me as well as working on some of our nation's famous like Billy Bob Thornton from Slingblade, Edward James Almos of Battlestar Galactica, and Ed Bradley of 60 minutes.

Call us TODAY to schedule with Michael! 360-947-2111

Check out his website for more information:

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Wellness Wednesday!

Did you know it's National Eat Your Vegetables Day today? We love it! What's your favorite vegetable? Let us know in the comments!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Wellness Wednesday!

It's Wellness Wednesday at Wellness Without Limits @ Replenish! What is your favorite yoga pose? Let us know in the comments!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Wellness Wednesday!

It's Wellness Wednesday! 
Does this doggie-pile look like something you would do to keep yourself well?

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

New Email and Website

Good afternoon everybody! Yesterday we rolled out our new email address, which you can find updated under our contact information. We are working on a new website, and we will let you know when that is available as well. Stay tuned for a June Promotional on our Spa Packages!