Thursday, July 21, 2016

Seminar this Weekend! Don't miss out on all the opportunities we will be offering!

We will be a hosting a day of healing, education, and fun for those who are interested in sampling our modalities for FREE! If you have been interested in trying hyperbaric oxygen therapy, polychromatic light therapy, far infrared sweat therapy, or meeting with a qualified naturopath, we will be giving you the opportunity to do just that this weekend on July 23rd. We are scheduling appointments now for each modality. Come learn how our services can enable your body to give you extra energy. Please call to schedule an appointment at no charge or obligation! 360.904.9580 or
We will also be offering a special discount exclusively to those who attend the event. $250 for 3 sessions of mild targeted hyperbaric oxygen therapy, giving you $110 in savings!

Here's a little information on each of our modalities we will be sampling:

Polychromatic Light Therapy
Modern medicine, despite all its progress, often remains powerless against the stresses and health challenges created by our modern lifestyle. Studies have shown the benefits of using Light Therapy for cellular regeneration and relaxation at both the physical and relaxation level for over 50 years.
Low level light therapy (LLLT) is a process by which energy is delivered to various areas of the body via light emitting diodes which are absorbed by the cells for therapeutic benefits. The various wavelengths penetrate the skin to different depths providing the energy cells need to activate increased circulation and stimulate the release of Nitric Oxide, the body’s natural vasodilator for greater blood flow and oxygenation.
  • Relaxation
  • Soothing
  • Revitalization
  • Pain Relief
  • Gives extra energy
  • Increase circulation
  • Assists in healing skin conditions
  • Sports Injuries/wounds
  • Stress/Anxiety
  • Seasonal Affective Disorder
  • Decrease Inflammation
  • Accelerated Healing
  • Healthy Aging
  • Acne and wrinkles
  • General Health
  • Infection
  • Easy to use
  • No side effects
  • Non-invasive
  • Safe and effective 
Far Infrared Sauna
Leading Edge Technology ahead of its time.
Over the last 19 years our team of experts have developed and refined the most advanced Far Infrared Sauna on the marketplace. You can now experience the world’s only virtually zero EMF combination carbon/ceramic heaters. Gentle Heatwave’s state-of-the-art True Wave II saunas produce healing infrared heat that is unmatched. Unlike conventional saunas we do not superheat the cabin, the air and you. Our patent pending True Wave ll unique angled front emitters produce invisible health rays at the perfect angle, so you experience a complete all over health benefit that gently penetrates deep into tissue, dissolving harmful chemicals accumulated in the body, in turn revitalizing your cells and your quality of life.

  • Improve Circulation
  • Detoxify toxins and heavy metals
  • Lose weight (800 cal in 1 hour)
  • Reduce Cellulite
  • Improve skin quality
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Relieve aches and Pain
  • Relax and Unwind
  • Cardio Fitness
  • Release harmful chemicals
  • Unique front angled emitters
  • Patent pending technology
  • Advanced control system
  • State of the art digital control panel
  • CD/Ipod /Radio Sound System
  • Advanced internal thermostat
  • Automatic timer function
  • Color Therapy/ mood lighting
  • Adjustable seats for comfort
  • Easy to move
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
We consume about six pounds of Oxygen every day, far outweighing any other nutrient demands. Oxygen’s primary role is in the production of energy, only 50% of our energy comes from the fats and carbohydrates we consume. In order for our bodies to make stored energy usable, our cells must convert this energy into molecules of ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) using Oxygen. By using the hyperbaric chamber, we greatly increase the partial pressure of O2, which then dissolves it into the plasma and other waterborne fluids of the body in turn accelerating recovery and repair.
  • No pills, no powder – just oxygen
  • Delivers up to 25 times normal oxygen intake
  • Enhances collagen production
  • Increases fibroblast activation
  • Reduces scarring
  • Stimulates the production of body stem cells
  • Boosts immune system function
  • Decreases swelling and inflammation
  • Helps the body to clear toxins
  • Increases the body’s ability to fight infection
  • Promotes regeneration of injured tissue
  • Reduces fatigue
  • Improves memory
  • Reduces jet lag related fatigue conditions
  • Accelerates ligament and tissue healing times
  • Treats traumatic and ischemic brain injuries
  • Increases circulation
  • Accelerates recovery and repair
  • Improves Sleep Patterns
  • Non invasive and relaxing

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Peat Hyperthermia Therapy -- Detoxification

Peat Hyperthermia Therapy plays an essential role in the detoxification of the body

Each day we are exposed to a multitude of toxins in the environment—through  the water, ground, air and even in our food. Our bodies try to process and eliminate these toxins, but with the large levels of chemicals and toxins in the environment, our bodies are not able to keep up with such a toxic load. Studies have shown that human tissue contains 400-600 chemical residues.
Peat Hyperthermia Therapy (a form of balneotherapy) provides one of the most powerful systemic detoxification effects on the body to help eliminate dangerous environmental toxins out of the body.
Many forms of cancer and chronic disease have been clearly linked to environmental toxins, and these diseases have increased dramatically in incidence over time.
Heavy metal toxicities impair our immune systems, affect our cognitive functioning, and can cause skin reactions and disease.
Toxins accumulate in our tissues and organ systems, impairing proper functioning, and even causing cell death and mutations. Such therapies enhance the body’s own systems of healing and detoxification, and provide nutrients needed for such. The result is an improvement in overall cell and organ functioning and the increased ability of the body to heal itself.

Hyperthermia (Heat) Therapy

The controlled transference of heat into the body for therapeutic effects, including many direct and indirect effects on the body. One of the key effects is to produce a body fever (again in a controlled environment)

  • As the body temperature elevates, the body attempts to dissipate the heat and reacts by causing an acceleration of the heart rate causing a profound enhancement in blood flow (A PASSIVE EXERCISE)
  • The body attempts to dissipate heat through the skin, causing the body to open up the skin pores and gives a good sweat (AN ACTIVE SWEAT)
  • The heat sensitizes viruses, bacteria, while boosting the immune system.
  • The heat regulates hormones and the metabolic rate
  • Fat cells become mobilized along with their stored chemicals
  • The heat stress causes an internal adaptation and production of endogenous antioxidant system.

What is Peat Hyperthermia Therapy?

Natural  Peat is carbonised vegetable matter formed from the biological  degradation of plant material that has been formed over the history of time on  earth, over 40,000 years, and mined deep within the earth’s matter – a rich mineralisation layer (aka, nature’s pharmacy containing a variety of essential minerals, trace elements, enzymes, organic acids, and other natural substance). These are deep level vascular (low-moor) peats, mineral rich and pollutant free,   and have a high content of biologically active substances, and more importantly, are best for therapeutic use!

The Procedure

This therapy is categorised into 2 phases: The Heating Phase and The Parasympathetic Phase
In the Heating Phase:
Peat matter is extracted and added to heat, either with hot water or a hot pack. The compounds within the peat are then applied to the human body and there is a transference of these rich minerals, including rare earth minerals, humic and fulvic acid, and of course the heat.
We call this procedure Peat Hyperthermia Therapy, because the subsequent reaction is that the body gains this heat and starts to cause an elevation in body temperature. One interesting facet with peat is that it can hold in a temperature and keep it stable. With this unique quality, it can maintain a higher temperature of water over time. More importantly, it can reduce water’s superficial conductance of heat; thereby allowing for a higher temperature that can safely get into the body.
The body now begins to compensate by raising its heart rate (passive exercise) and simultaneously dissipating the heat to the skin while opening up its sweat glands (active sweat). At this point in time, the therapeutic actions have been achieved. Now it’s time to move from phase 1 into phase 2, the Parasympathetic Phase.
In the  Parasympathetic Phase:
This is one of the more important parts of the therapy, because at this point, the body is wrapped in towels and blankets to keep and maintain  the effects of the bath phase. It is during this phase, that the elevation in body temperature can be maintained, along with the elevation in heart rate and deep sweat. For added benefit during this phase, the legs can be elevated by 30 degrees and held under slight pressure for 30 seconds, every 5 minutes and repeated three times. This not only has a strong stimulation of the central nervous system, but also can greatly benefit those suffering from back or neck pain, including herniations.

Health Benefits

Peat has a water carrying capacity from its micropore composition that allows it to maintain either hot or cold temperatures.  It is this ability that provides for much of the peats therapeutic potential.  The heat carrying capacity creates the prolonged vasodilation and increased circulation (THE CIRCULATORY EFFECT) that lasts for several hours after the peat bath has ended, and allows the naturally occurring substances in peat to be absorbed into the body, while the toxins and wastes that have accumulated in our tissues are excreted (THE DETOXIFYING  EFFECT). Peat Hyperthermia Therapy helps to reverse cellular damage by dramatically increasing circulation and cellular fluids, allowing oxygen and nutrients to reach the cells, and helping wastes and toxins to leave the cells so that the cells can function optimally.
As we age heart disease and stress constrict blood flow through our arteries. Peat reverses this aging process, delivering rich oxygen and nutrients to cells through enhanced circulation.
Clearly, with the inundation of chemicals and toxins in the environment, our bodies are not able to keep up with such a huge toxic load. Hyperthermia  treatments with peat play an essential role in detoxification of the body.
Most toxins are stored in our fat tissue. The intense heat from PHT mobilizes the  toxins stored in our tissues, increases our circulation, and allows for toxin   excretion, mainly through perspiration. Removal of toxins from our bodies improves cellular function, increases our circulation and immune system, and enhances our general health and well being.
PHT has the ability to aid in the elimination of stored heavy metals—mercury,  cadmium, lead, arsenic, and tin—as well as other highly toxic sub-stances and  compounds from our bodies. The humic acid found in peat has the ability to bind  benzopyrene, the carcinogenic compound found in cigarettes, thus possibly inhibiting its mutagenic effects. Fulvic acid in peat absorbs aluminum, making PHT potentially important in treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.
The dermal vasodilation effects of peat allow for elimination of toxins from the body and the humic and fulvic acids bind to metals, giving rise to its antioxidant effects.

Additional Benefits

Soft tissue healing, Arthritis, Chronic Pain Conditions
In addition to general detoxification effects, Peat Hyperthermia Therapies also have numerous other beneficial effects on the body, particularly its healing. Peat therapies allow people to heal faster and return to their daily activities without the use of pain masking drugs and their side effects.  Pain relief is immediate after just one peat treatment, and can last for up to three days.  After several baths that pain relief becomes longer term and often lasts for years.
Arthritis Pain
Arthritic conditions have been well documented under peat therapies. Many studies have concluded that peat therapies may actually be more effective than standard medical therapies. Peat’s anti  inflammatory properties, through increased circulation and removal of toxic substances, along with its analgesic effects, take away the pain, spasms, and inflammation of arthritis.  Peat stabilizes  collagen tissues, increasing mobility and range of motion, allowing a return to normal functioning. As well peat protects against cartilage destruction, which helps prevent osteoarthritis. Peat treatments have been in use by North American Pain Centers for arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, fibromyalgia, and chronic pain syndromes with excellent results.  Peat treatments are also in use by NFL football players.  What better way to treat sports injuries than with a natural muscle relaxing, anti-inflammatory,  and pain-relieving treatments with no side effects?  It increases tensile strength of connective tissue and increases mineral concentrations, which aid in the healing.  Peat also increases endorphins, the body’s natural painkiller.
Ankylosing Spondylitis
Peat has shown a decrease in the level of C-reactive protein and an elevation of hemoglobin with a  series of treatments.  This coincided with a significant decrease in pain and an increase in function.
Fibromylagia Pain
Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is a very common rheumatological  diagnosis, pronounced by pain,  anxiety, and difficulty with daily living activities.  Studies have shown that there was an improvement in the number of tender points in test subjects after receiving balneotherapy.  The natural analgesic effects and hormone balancing abilities of peat also can ease the symptoms of FMS.
Soft Tissue, Sports Injuries, Muscle Tension
Peat therapy is a natural muscle relaxing, anti-inflammatory,  and pain-relieving treatment with no side effects.  Healing time is decreased with the use of peat therapy, which makes it an important aid in rehabilitation of injuries.  Studies have also showed that using peat prevents adhesions from forming.
Peat therapies decrease the healing time of post fracture rehabilitation by increasing circulation and decreasing inflammation in the fracture area.  Peat’s ability to increase tensile strength of connective tissues and increase mineral concentrations also speed up healing.
Peat with its intense vasodilation and anti-inflammatory effects and interactions if its ions and mineral properties, including free iron not transported by macrophages, is an efficient therapy for the treatment of hematomas.  Hematomas treated with thermal peat application were resolved 50% faster, with no hemosiderin residue as compared with treatment with only heat applications, which often left residues.
Gynecological Conditions
Traditionally, Peat Baths have been used for gynecological conditions, ranging from PMS, to dysmenorrehea, painful cramping, menopausal symptoms, and infertility. The effects have been clinically documented in the physiological changes in hormonal levels, from hormones like FSH, LH, and estrogen, just to name a few. Peat Hyperthermia Therapy has been shown to be beneficial in helping with menstrual and premenstrual conditions. The muscle relaxant and circulation improving  abilities, analgesic effects, and hormone balancing capability, make Peat a perfect way to ease menstrual disorders and PMS.
Antiviral effects of peat have been demonstrated on several viruses, including the human papilloma virus. Remission and prevention of implantation of the virus has been described.  This is a measure, which prevents cancer.  The antiviral and antineoplastic effects are thought to be associated with the ability of peat constituents such as humic acid to bind on lectin binding junctions blocking viral entry into cells.
A study on infertility due to immature follicle maturation syndrome demonstrated good results with peat therapy in comparison to the group receiving pharmacotherapy.  In the peat therapy group, the rate of pregnancy was very good, along with a practically non –existent spontaneous abortion rate, while in the pharmaceutical group the rate of spontaneous abortions was very high. Peat improves the health of the corpus luteum, improving the chances of pregnancy.
Peat therapies rebalance hormonal rhythms, decreasing emotional swings and irritability. It also stimulates thyroid activities making it beneficial in the treatment of menopausal symptoms.
Peat hyperthermia  can also be beneficial in treating menstrual and premenstrual conditions. The muscle relaxant and circulation improving  abilities and analgesic effects reduce bloating and cramps. The hormone balancing capability reduces emotional swings.   Peat is a perfect way to ease menstrual disorders and PMS.
Immune System
Colds and flues can be treated with Peat Hyperthermia Therapy.  White blood cells and their activity are increased, and peat also has direct antiviral actions.  Peat also helps to alleviate muscle fatigue and aching associated with colds and flues by its muscle relaxant and analgesic effects. Peat bath in combination with hyperthermia shows white blood cell elevation. The immune-stimulating effects of peat bath seen clinically correspond to hematological changes after baths.
Peat’s high heat renders cancer cells unstable and unable to efficiently replicate. It removes the  toxins   linked to cancer and increases immune support through its stimulating effect on white blood cells and natural killer cells.  It has also been shown to enhance both chemo and radiation therapy.
Colds and Flu
Colds and flues can also be treated with Peat Therapy. Peat has direct antiviral actions and a stimulating effect on white blood cells. Peat also helps to alleviate muscle fatigue and aching associated with colds and flues by its muscle relaxant and analgesic effects.
Obesity (Weight Loss as a side effect)
The elevation of the body temperature causes a significant rise in the body’s metabolic rate (up to 33% rise in body metabolism). This, along with the direct heating effect the therapy, helps to metabolize and mobilize the fatty tissue, releasing their toxins, while burning energy and reducing cellulite at the same time. Of clinical importance is that the peat helps transfer the heat to deeper tissue; thus allowing this mobilization  affect on the deep fatty tissues of the body.
Peat therapies increase adaptation to stress and enhance wellbeing.
-Dr. Zayd Ratansi, ND

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Wellness Wednesday -- Simple, Healthy Eating

If you've resolved to eat healthier in the New Year, buying the right foods is only half the equation…
"A lot of people think they have to be a gourmet cook to eat healthier, and that's definitely not true," says Karen Goldberg, a registered dietitian and owner of Nutrition 101 in Wayne. "You can do a lot of different, interesting food prep with simple gadgets."
When you have the correct kitchen tools, "you'll be more likely to eat at home, make your own meals and eat healthy.” Stocking a healthy kitchen is doable on any budget. Think of basic kitchen purchases as investments in a healthier lifestyle.
They're perfect, she says, because they "let you toss in the ingredients in the morning and have a hot meal cooked and ready when you get home at the end of the day." Plus, she adds, the longer cook time helps lean meats become tender and juicy without added fats and oils.
Soups, those packed with vegetables and beans, not creams and butters, are a great healthy meal fix, especially for the cold weather months. But store-bought canned varieties often pack whopping amounts of sodium. Palinski suggests making your own soups to better control the nutritional value. If this sounds like a gourmet feat, there are some surprisingly simple recipes out there – and using an immersion blender can help achieve a perfect, smooth texture. The lightweight, handheld gadget blends and purées soups right in the pot and without the mess of hauling soups to a blender or food processer,
Look beyond fats and oils for flavoring dishes. Herbs, spices and citrus — lemon, lime, oranges — add vibrant flavors and tastes with far fewer calories than an extra dash of oil or pat of butter.
The details: Yes, vegetables are healthy, but frying or sautéing them could add a lot of extra fat and calories, warns Palinski. For a healthy, easy alternative, toss veggies in a steamer basket and enjoy them au naturel.
The details: "Spiralized" food is all the rage today, for good reason, says Goldberg: "They're very, very simple to use." Use one to secure vegetables and thinly slice them into spirals or rings.
The details: "A high-quality blender is a must-have for any kitchen," Palinski says. Goldberg's choice for a top-notch blender is the Ninja because of its strength and versatility. An added bonus – it lets you blend smoothies right into single-serve, to-go containers.
Having a good knife lets you easily chop, dice and slice almost anything. Chop and prepare things like peppers or cucumbers at the beginning of the week so they're waiting in the fridge to be added to meals or snacks for the rest of the week."
Cast iron pans last forever, heat foods evenly and can be used on the stovetop or the oven. They're inexpensive and easy to use. An added bonus, she says, is that they "also add extra iron to your food." Though minimally, so don't forget to eat those iron-rich foods, too.
The size of the average dinner plate has steadily increased, from around 9 inches to 11 and 12 inches over the past few decades. This difference in size is significant – people tend to just fill up whatever plate is in front of them. So larger plates mean larger portions. "People have no idea what a portion should be." For greater portion control, try serving meals on smaller plates, such as 9 1/4-inch ones.
 If you just can't part with the crisp taste of fried foods, Palinski suggests the ActiFry cooker, because "it creates foods with a taste and texture similar to deep frying, but with only one tablespoon of oil for the whole recipe." Resembling a rice cooker or slow cooker, the ActiFry stirs its contents rapidly with hot air and a few drops of oil, resulting in healthier French fries, stir-fried vegetables and meat dishes.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Get Rid of Your Toxic Fat!

An important piece of the weight losing process is the body's ability to dispose of extra fat efficiently. This is a key ingredient that many weight loss programs are missing. This becomes increasingly difficult with a toxic body. Since toxic chemicals love to hide in the body's fat cells, effective and consistent detoxification is essential for losing fat in the most natural way possible.

In today's world, there is little a person can do to avoid environmental toxins. We absorb these toxins primarily by breathing, eating and absorption through skin. These chemicals enter our body, and as an act of self-defense, our body absorbs these chemicals into our fat cells to pull them away from organs and avoid being poisoned. These fat cells cling to the chemicals, making fat loss seemingly impossible for some individuals. Oftentimes, people will become sick as they begin losing weight and toxins reenter the blood stream. As a reaction to this recirculation of toxins, the body creates more fat cells to reabsorb the chemicals, inhibiting effective fat loss. This is why detoxification is so important. Getting those chemicals out of the body and out of fat cells not only makes weight loss easier, but also more enjoyable since toxins tend to affect mood as well as overall vitality.

One method of detoxification is Far Infrared Hyperthermia therapy, which encourages circulation. This kind of therapy is administered by way of Far Infrared Sauna at our location. With the elevation of the body temperature and the body’s response to dissipate the heat through the skin, the body can go through a very intense sweating phase. This sweat provides an easy access for elimination of harmful chemicals out of the body and promotes the breakdown of fat. In addition, the extra cardiac output provides greater chemical excretion through the other 4 organs of elimination (bowels, kidneys, liver, and lungs). Approximately 20% of this sweat is made up of toxins compared to 2-3% in a conventional sauna.

Environmental causes of cancer: endocrine disruptors as carcinogen. Retrieved from:

Monosson, Emily.